This is the space we get to come together to celebrate all things Noblesville and showcase the #1 asset that makes our town so undeniably awesome: our people!
Noblesville has a long-standing history and is valued for the small-town appeal that it offers. However, our city is growing prolifically right now. There has been almost a 30% population increase in the past 10 years--we’ve never seen anything like this before. We have the unique opportunity to uphold the roots of this community that have nurtured and sustained us as we simultaneously embrace and cultivate the newer branches that now call Noblesville home.

We all know the best vehicle to bring people together is FOOD! No matter where you come from or what you do, everybody’s gotta eat. Through food we are able to share our heritage with people from different backgrounds, give each other nourishment, and get out of our comfort zones to try new things! Festival booths will have the opportunity to share delicious food samples from the culture they are representing for FUN Fest participants to try. Local food trucks will be lined up for all of us to enjoy their delicious offerings. Booths may also have various examples of clothing, currency, language, games, or other traditions and customs for festival goers to interact with. By sharing in each other’s food, music, and traditions, we are fostering the greater sense of community connection and belonging that make Noblesville a gem of a city. We stand united with our neighbors--everyone is welcome who welcomes everyone!

We will work together in ways that promote our communal goals and mutual understanding. This festival will be full of neighbors hosting booths that represent the many various cultural stems that make up our beloved flourishing town. We want to expand our shared sense of belonging and ensure that it includes every individual in our community. When we are strongly connected, we stand united and are able to work toward our common goal: to keep Noblesville an awesome place to live. Our motto is that everyone is welcome who welcomes everyone!
If your family laid the foundations of this community back in 1823, this festival is for YOU. If you relocated here last week from out of town, this festival is for YOU. If your family immigrated here from a different country, this festival is for YOU. If you don’t live here, but are employed by one of our many amazing local businesses, this festival is for YOU. If you are visiting from out of town and want to get to know our city a little better, this festival is for YOU! Please join us as we showcase what this place is all about.

We invite you to consider hosting a booth at the Noblesville Fun Fest. Our town is a much better place with you in it and everything you bring to our table. Maybe your family relocated here from the South and your grandma has a killer cornbread recipe you’d like to share? Have roots in Hawaii and can let us try some poi or spam musubi? Immigrated here from a different country and you’d like to share a favorite family holiday recipe? From rural Indiana and your church’s euchre group makes the best chili in town? We have over 55 languages spoken here and we’d love to see every one of them represented at this year’s event! Whether it's chicken and dumplings or tikka masala, we’d LOVE for you to join in the FUN! Hosting a booth is completely free. Just bring a sample of food or a piece of the culture you’re representing to share with your neighbors! You can fill out a booth application here.

If this sounds like something you’d like to support, please consider sponsoring a booth. The cost is $250 per booth and you can let us know below. Once we know what booths will be present, you will have a chance to pick from our list of hosted booths. Or if you know of a group that should host a booth that you'd like to sponsor, be sure they fill out an application. Sponsors and Booth Hosts will be introduced and invited to work together to set up, organize, and run the booth for the event. Up to $100 of your sponsorship will provide seed money for the booth hosts to help them get food, supplies, etc. to share at the FUN Fest. In addition, Sponsors will get a sign with your name outside the booth they are supporting.
This festival is young and growing! Please pass this information on to anyone you think may like to join in the fun. The more the merrier!